Card Types
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Cards are separated into four different gameplay types: abyssal, spell, equipment and ritual. There will be further information on the different types in the Gameplay section, but this will help your understand the core concept of each card.
Abyssals are your warriors. It has a soul requirement to summon, a sphere (almost like an alignment), a power value and a health value. Your abyssal can attack enemy abyssals or enemy warlocks. They also have a variety of traits from being able to prevent your warlock from being attacked while the abyssal is alive to healing other abyssals.
Spells are cards you play directly from your hand. It has a soul requirement to cast, but the effects are more varied than abyssals from dealing damage to multiple enemy abyssals to forcing your opponent to discard cards from their hand.
Equipment is a type of card that's used to bolster the power of your warlock. It has a soul requirement to use and it comes with a variety of effects. It can be as simple as increasing your warlock's power or it can give your warlock a special trait.
Rituals are cards that are kept on the field for multiple turns and can be used like recurring spells. It has a soul requirement to use and can usually only be used once per turn until its uses remaining hits zero.
Below shows an explanation for each of the elements on the card.